These 3 white boxes are called planes or Parameter Boxes. You must Activate at least one plane before you can Capture a Target.
(See video) With KAT device flat on surface as shown, X plane (yellow) is always like turning a knob. Y plane (red) is always like lifting a page to read, Z plane ( green) is always like turning a page in a book
After you’ve attached the KAT to the wearer, ask the wearer to perform the desired or undesired movement, and in each plane, watch the green and black rectangles in the boxes as the wearer moves. (Whichever rectangle ‘moves’ the most is generally the plane you will Activate for training.) The plane should best represent the movement pattern you want to address.
Tap white parameter box to Activate it, the box’s border will turn blue when activated. Now you can “Capture” a Target Position.
Click here for a video example: ( coming soon)