Advanced DashboardThe app screen which allows every setting to be manually adjusted. 

Activated and Deactivated – When a parameter box IS activated, its border turns blue, AND it IS considered in the feedback algorithm, when it is deactivated, it is NOT considered.

Asset - An image saved in during a session to add context, show  how and where the KAT is attached to the body, save images of target positons from several different points of views.   (Feature coming soon will allow users to add audio clip and video clips as assets. 

Asymmetrical Margins of Error - A feature that allows custom settings in the range of movement for each target  position (a method of upweighting  and/or downweighting  individual directions of movement per plane)

Capture - When the KAT 'learns' and stores its own position, via a button press on the app while the wearer holds a position or a series of positions in a trajectory of movement

Carry case - the small, zippered  padded container  KAT device can be stored and clipped inside a gym bag, or gear bag for easy access.

Desired or Undesired  - Labels uses to descibe the target positions Captured by the KAT. The KAT doesn't 'know'  desired or undesired, the user or wearer has compelte controll of the technique.

Device Tabs -  Each connected KAT has its it own tab ( used when mulitple KATS are being used in a single session) Any setting on that screen applys ONLY to that KAT device.

Feedback algorithm – The calculations used to determine whether to deliver feedback (or not).

HelpCenter – The chatbot  available on the app and the website for support for all things KAT.

Graphical Assist - A feature that allows a graphical image of the target and margins of error to be overlaid on top of a image taken through the app to help user understand the technique or drill.

Global Margin of error-  A slider -adjusted ‘wiggle room’ set by the educator surrounding the target position.

Markers  – Manually added timestamps,  inserted into the data  in real time to identify points of time in the data stream.  Markers can be  labeled 'good',  'bad',  and/or 'neutral' markers. See Thumbtags

Module -  An add-on of easy to follow guides tailored to specific sport or skills. Offers easy repeatable set-up for common drills and techniques while still allowing customization per each individual wearer

Movement Educator - The person who holds the specific knowledge in their field who uses the KAT to  change others movement patterns and has the expertise.

Multi-KAT (in Beta) – Simultaneously connecting several KATS to a single mobile phone for use in small group training (1 coach, 3 athletes all working on different or the same technique)

Parameter box  - squares on main view screen that display real time data from incoming KAT devices  in each plane. On the KAT app, the border of a parameter box turns blue when activated, and grey when not activated.

Planes - x, y, z   Note: these are NOT fixed planes relate to human anatomy such as  transverse, coronal or sagital. With KAT, the  x, y, z plane depends on the orientation of the KAT device in relation to the wearer.

Retro buffer ( Beta)  - The mechanism that allows the 10  sec segment of running data to be saved,  and tagged and timestamped AND re-assigned as new target if desired.

Records – Refers to data collected with KAT App. There are two files in each record: static data includes only the settings that were set BEFORE data collection such as the number and device ID of KAT, each target values, parameters, margins, the training mode; this data does not change. The dynamic data  in the KATs kinetic values recorded during the session, along with any markers or Thumbtags that were inserted into the datastream.

Reps – Short for individual repetitions of the 'nearly identical' movements.

Retro capture (Beta)  -  A patented  feature coming soon where the app stores a  few seconds running window of data” that can be retroactively Captured and labeled as a new Target to Train.

Sample - One row of data of all values in the csv data spreadsheet.

Sampling rate - The number of times per second a single KAT  currently sends  kinematic data to the app

Self educator -  The person who knows what to train, what they want to work on, and trains themselves.

Settings/configurations - A general term collectively describing angles, speeds, overall margins of error, individual axes activated, margins of error. 

Input Tabs  -  Indicates which behavior to train based on the type of data captured. KAT is data agnostic so that future training can be based on  muscle activation, eye movement, heart rate, breath rate and brain waves.

Target - The position, can be Desired or Undesired depending on the intent of the session.

Target Zone – The  triangle shaped area that is displayed on the main screen and its associated margins of error. It is a color coded graphic display a visual representation of the Target(s) and margins of error.

Tip of Target Zone -  The pointy end of the Zone on the graphical feature that can be dragged over an image. The tip usually aligned over the body where the joint articulates for a real time visualization of the target movement.

Timestamp - The time point associated with each KAT sample (row of data points)  sent over the air.

Thumbtags  - user- created words or phrases  about the session added into the data stream in real-time by the user. ( Some examples: patient winced,  over 90 mph pitch, poor follow through. etc.)

Training Modes: Instruction, Exploration, Habit Break, Error Comprehension ( see chart below)

Wearer - the person on whom the KAT is attached.